Atrium, Lobbies & Receptions
From London’s Gherkin to Hong Kong’s Langham Place, Coopers fire and smoke curtains help architects to build the atria that define the world’s most iconic buildings. Whether you’re installing to work with a SHEVS or as stand-alone fire protection, our bespoke smoke curtains and fire curtain barriers are developed to fit every application.

At Coopers, we understand that a building’s atrium is integral to architectural design and that modern, open plan, multi-storey lobbies are essential for reflecting an organisation’s identity.
This experience has led Coopers’ engineers to develop a specific range of smoke curtain and fire curtain barriers approved to protect a building’s atrium, lobby or reception area from the effects of fire. Whether you’re installing a smoke curtain in conjunction with SHEVS, removing fire doors or designing out un-insulated glazing, bulkheads and downstands, our smoke curtains and fire barrier curtains provide an approved means to protect occupants from fire.
From our ground breaking FireMaster® Concertina™, the fire curtain without the need for corner posts, to our SmokeStop™ smoke curtains, our commitment to advancing fire protection innovation mean that architects rely on our smoke and fire curtains to ensure their designs meet fire regulations.
- Horizontal closing fire curtains.
- Ground breaking concertina™ fire curtain
- Independent Third Party Accreditation
- Manufactured by Coopers in the UK under ISO 9001