This is the most up-to-date independent guide to the provision of proprietary active fire curtains. The new ASFP Black Book outlines how to select a suitable fire curtain, as well as best practice considerations for all involved in the specification, installation and maintenance of such products. It also provides details of recognised test methods and the classification system from EN 13501-1 and EN 13501-2 for Operable Fabric Curtains tested to European standards. In addition it features listings of products that have been fully tested to the appropriate British or European standards.
To download the Black Book on Active Fire Curtains, click the button below:
An exclusive quote from Niall Rowan, CEO of the ASFP on the launch of the Black Book:
Fire curtains are an exciting development which provide ‘instant compartmentation’ in buildings, allowing designers to create more open plan layouts. The new ASFP Black book is the only independent guidance on the range and configurations of fire curtains available, their specification, testing and certification. The guide fully interfaces with BS 8524 parts 1 and 2 to provide end users with the most complete guidance available
With active fire curtains increasingly being considered as an alternative to conventional compartmentation elements as designers seek to create more open plan buildings, the Black Book will be of interest to all involved in the manufacture, specification, purchase, commissioning or maintenance of fire curtains. It also offers useful guidance to inspection authorities, risk assessors, facilities managers and business owners, providing a useful introduction to all the requirements related to maintaining active fire curtains.
Coopers Fire welcome the launch of the ASFP ‘Black Book’ as not only does this new document help promote fire curtains in the fire and construction industry, it also demonstrates how fire curtains are becoming an increasingly recognised product within the passive fire protection range of products supported by an independent association such as the ASFP.
To find out more about the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP), please visit: