For mental health awareness week, coopers fire raised £100 for mind charity.

As part of mental health awareness week in May Cooper’s held a charity dress down day in support of Mind. Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event run by The Mental Health Foundation and is an opportunity to focus on achieving good mental health. This year’s national theme for mental health awareness week was ‘Nature’.
We kicked off Mental Health Awareness Week with a bit of fun with Season Two of the Coopers Bake Off and we were treated to some delicious savoury treats from our bakers. Star baker was awarded to Rachel our Production Engineer.
We spent the week learning about ways to connect with nature to improve our mental health and the importance of talking. Everyone at Coopers Fire was gifted a packet of seed to grow at home and encouraged to spend time outside with our Cooper’s nature photography competition.
The competition was judged by David Cerquella (MD) who said “it was incredibly difficult to pick a winner from all the entries!”
1st place went to Hannah in our finance team with her snap of this cheeky chap.
2nd place to Lee (Finance) for his landscape of Old Winchester Hill and 3rd place to Gavin (Operations) for his Littlehampton Sunset.
Our charity dress down day raised £100 for Mind, thank you to everyone who contributed. Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Mind campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Mind believes no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. When experiencing a mental health problem, supportive and reliable information can change your life. Mind empowers people to understand their condition and the choices available to them. Mind believe everyone with a mental health problem should be able to access excellent care and services. They believe you should be treated fairly, positively and with respect