Environmental Management Policy

Coopers Fire are committed to protecting the environment and operate to “Zero-Landfill” principles.

Our Principles

  • Reduce the carbon footprint of the business.
  • Reduce energy consumption.
  • Minimize the production of all types of waste through effective design, manufacture, in service and end of life.
  • To consult, involve and listen to our employees on matters affecting the environment.

Our Objectives

  • Zero to Landfill.
  • To show leadership in the field of Environmental management.
  • Provide adequate control of wastes identified.
  • To provide resources required to make this policy and our environmental arrangements effective.
  • Promote Near Misses to reduce the effect of potential pollution.

Our Methods

Coopers Fire management will meet these objectives by:

  • Promoting a positive culture based on improving our environmental performance.
  • Complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Eliminating waste in all aspects of our business.
  • Providing training and resources for staff to effectively control waste output.
  • Employing people who aspire to the same standards and provide relevant training.
  • Reporting on environmental performance, measured against objectives and targets.
  • Providing and maintaining safe plants and equipment.
  • Ensuring safe handling and use of substances.
  • Evaluating and continuously improving through audits and management reviews.
  • Maintaining certification to ISO 14001:2015

To help achieve our objectives and ensure our employees recognize their duties under environmental legislation whilst at work, we will also inform them of their duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities. We achieve this by explaining their duty and setting out our company environmental rules in the Employee Safety handbook which is made available to every employee working for us.

This policy applies to all sites within Coopers Fire and any activities carried out by Coopers Fire staff in external locations.

This commitment to the environment is of the highest priority and will not be compromised.

Approved by: David Cerquella

Managing Director

Date: March 2024

Next review: February 2025
